Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Starbucks Triple Stars Wednesdays Promo

Triple Star Wednesdays are back this September! Starbucks Rewards members get triple stars on Starbucks' featured beverage ALL Wednesdays of September 2024!

For select Wednesdays of September, Starbucks Rewards Members will be able to enjoy Triple Stars when they order a featured beverage via in-store, take-out, and drive-thru.

The list of eligible beverage and their Triple Star dates as follows:

It's time to try the NEW Salted Maple Oatmilk Iced Shaken Espresso and get TRIPLE STARS on September 11. 

Triple Stars will only apply to the featured beverages on their respective Triple Stars Wednesdays.

There is no purchase limit per customer, per transaction.

Customers who purchase these Triple Star Wednesdays applicable beverages will get a P10 discount when using their own reusable cups or tumblers.
Download the Starbucks app and join Starbucks Rewards now with just your e-mail. 

Visit for more details. ✨

Don't miss out on the latest shoppenings! 

Walk with Manila Shopper on youtube: MS Walks

1 comment:

  1. Love the way you explain complex topics. Very helpful!
