Sunday, January 2, 2022

Is your home really safe for you and your family?


Clorox campaigns for better home hygiene amidst a rise in local transmission 

Metro Manila will be placed under the stricter Alert Level 3 from January 3-15, 2022 amid the “exponential” spike of COVID-19 cases in the region. Cabinet Secretary and acting presidential spokesman Karlo Nograles cited the spike of the cases as well as the detection of three local cases of the highly infectious Omicron COVID-19 variant in the decision to upgrade the region to the stricter alert level. (source)

“While regular handwashing and sanitizing are both important in preventing the spreading of the virus, keeping the surfaces we touch disinfected is just as important,” said Monique Gonzales, senior brand manager for Clorox Southeast Asia. “However, what we sometimes don’t realize is that we can be the ones who bring this virus into our homes so it is important to always disinfect the items in our homes we come in contact with.”

However, there are steps you can take at home to ensure the safety of your family.  

Clorox Philippines, one of the country’s leading cleaning and disinfecting products providers and makers of Clorox Expert Wipes shares some home safety tips to help keep you and your family safe and your home Covid-free

Wipe down surfaces often 

We touch a lot of surfaces when we go out picking up germs along the way. We bring these pathogens into our homes. Taking the time to wipe down your door handle, the groceries you bring home and any surface you touch will keep it germ-free and your family safe. Keeping a pack of Clorox Expert Wipes handy at all times will ensure that you and your family are always safe and protected.  

Clean all your carry-ons 

Your carry-ons such as your handbags, laptops, and mobile phones are perfect places for germs and microbes to settle onto. When arriving home, give your bags, phone, keys, jewelry, and laptops a good wipe down. Preferably, use a disinfectant wipe to make sure that your personal items are safe. 

Change your clothes immediately 

The clothes you wear are magnets for viruses and germs. Every time you sit at a restaurant, go to the grocery or go to the office, your clothes can pick up these germs and you, in turn, can bring in these unwanted guests into your home. To avoid this, make sure that you put away all the clothes you wore in a clothes hamper. If you can soak it immediately in a mixture of bleach and water to kill the germs. 

Take a bath as soon as you get home 

Aside from your clothes, you are also a germ magnet. Germs and other pathogens can land on your skin and hair and you can in turn, get these unwanted visitors all over your sofa, dining table, and bed. So, when arriving home from work or an errand, make sure you take a bath right away. That way, you can give your family all the affection they deserve without any worries. 

 “We at Clorox are one with the government in ensuring that Filipinos stay safe in the midst of this pandemic. We enjoin everyone to keep promoting a hygienic and safer by regularly cleaning and disinfecting our surroundings,” Paulo Lao, Sales and Marketing Director for Clorox Southeast Asia. 

Following these simple tips can help us not only stay safe and healthy but help us better cope with the challenges posed by the pandemic. 


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