Saturday, May 30, 2020

The SM Store Welcome Back Luxury Fragrance SALE: til June 2 2020

Check out The SM Store's Welcome Back Promo!  Enjoy greats deals up to 30% discount on all luxury fragrances from May 29 to June 2, 2020!  Available in all The SM Stores nationwide.

Please note that physical distancing, and no-mask no-entry policy will be strictly implemented.  They may also ask you to present your quarantine pass until May 31, 2020.


  1. Biolife Keto How you breathe through your nostrils affects so many functions of the body it is art unto itself. Lowering your shoulder stress before you even start your work out will let person become emotionally and physically engage in the work out faster with more fat burning time during the work out and boredom will not be part of the workout. Boredom is the mental disengagement of what you are doing at the gym physically.

  2. Nutrapharmex Keto Fat and that is to create endurance and then strength under the direction of the mind to setup and manage breathing and core action within each exercise. To burn fat is about learning to engage the muscle groups that burn fat while at the gym and use them as the primary strength source in exercises.

  3. Oxyphen Keto XR Fat and that is to create endurance and then strength under the direction of the mind to setup and manage breathing and core action within each exercise. To burn fat is about learning to engage the muscle groups that burn fat while at the gym and use them as the primary strength source in exercises.

  4. Wonder Full Keto Fat and that is to create endurance and then strength under the direction of the mind to setup and manage breathing and core action within each exercise. To burn fat is about learning to engage the muscle groups that burn fat while at the gym and use them as the primary strength source in exercises.
