Monday, March 23, 2020

Food Delivery & Takeout Safety TIPS #COVID19 Pandemic:

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, we are now embracing food delivery services because we have to #StayHome.  But, are food delivery services and takeout safe?

The good news is that Covid-19 is not likely to be transmitted by food itself, and/or food containers. But like other viruses, it is possible that the coronavirus can survive on objects and surfaces. So, it is always important to follow good hygiene practices - wash hands and surfaces frequently when handling or preparing food.

For food delivery or takeout, here are tips to protect ourselves:

1)  Don't foget to maintain social-distancing.  Choose contactless delivery option.
2)  For senior citizens who need to be more careful, experts recommend that they pick up any takeout or delivery packages with gloves, transfer the food from the packaging or container to a plate, properly dispose the container, dispose the gloves, and then wash hands before eating.
3)  After touching potentially contaminated surfaces, and before and after eating, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. You can also use an alcohol with at least 60% solution, or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, if soap and water are not available,
4)  Discard or disinfect surfaces that may be contaminated.

Please watch the video below on safety tips for food delivery:

Most importantly: Show your gratitude to the "kuya" or "ate" delivering your food. Tip generously! The people feeding and serving you deserve whatever extra you can afford.



  1. That is great tips, pandemic corona is very bad. Masker is upper and hand sanitizer is upper

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