Friday, June 22, 2018

AweSM Fashion Finds and Deals for Dad this Weekend at SM: June 22-24 2018 #AweSM

SM Supermalls is ending the month of June with a bang as everyone is invited to visit their favorite SM mall to experience another weekend of exciting deals and discounts on men’s wear and gift items from June 22 to June 24, 2018.

“SM has always been the Filipino’s go-to for finding fun and exciting deals. This coming weekend, bring your family and friends to SM for an extended celebration of Dad’s Day as we offer big discounts on men’s fashion and collectibles,” said Jonjon San Agustin, SM Supermalls senior vice president for marketing.

Mallgoers can avail of SM’s #AweSM deals and thrills as SM celebrates 60 #AweSM years in its malls with exciting promos that laud the number 60, such as pay 60% off, pay only P60, pay P60 less, or pay only 60%. 

The 60-themed discounts are part of SM’s 60th anniversary celebration. The celebration continues until October with weekends of #AweSM experiences and sale events for SM shoppers. 

For more info about SM’s #AweSM 60 years, visit SM Supermalls Facebook page or check out 

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